Monday, 29 July 2013

Warrantech’s Customer Loyalty Program Wins Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service at the 2013

Warrantech was presented with a Stevie Award for Innovation in Customer Service during the seventh annual Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. The awards were presented to honorees during a gala banquet on Monday, February 25, at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. More than 300 nominated customer service and sales executives from the U.S.A. and several other countries attended. 

The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service are the world’s top sales awards, contact center awards, and customer service awards. The Stevie Awards organizes several of the world’s leading business awards shows including the prestigious American Business Awards and International Business Awards.

More than 1,100 entries from organizations of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted to this year’s competition, an increase of 10% over 2012. Finalists were determined by the average scores of 120 professionals worldwide, acting as preliminary judges. Entries were considered in 30 categories for customer service professionals, including Contact Center of the Year, Award for Innovation in Customer Service, and Customer Service Department of the Year; 41 categories for sales professionals, ranging from Senior Sales Executive of the Year to Sales Training or Coaching Program of the Year to Sales Department of the Year of the Year; and categories to recognize new products and services and solution providers. 

More than 100 members of eight specialized judging committees determined Stevie Award placements from among the Finalists during final judging this year.

Warrantech was recognized for its ability to develop an entirely new online and call-center interface for consumers. In 2012, the company began analyzing how it could provide the customers of its retail partners with additional support for unforeseen challenges they may face with products used in their daily lives. The goal was to enhance the relationship between the retail partner and their customers, thereby helping to create lifetime relationships. As such, the Warrantech Customer Loyalty Program was born.

“From our perspective this was the most successful Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service yet,” said Michael Gallagher, president and founder of the Stevie Awards. “Not just because of the increase in the number and variety of entries, but in the extraordinary quality of the entries. Judges have told me how impressed they were with the success stories they reviewed this year. All of this year’s Stevie Award winners are truly deserving.”

Details about the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service and the list of Stevie winners in all categories are available at

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