Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Combat Weather-Related Car Trouble With A Vehicle Service Contract

This has been a winter of extremes. While a number of cities in the eastern United States set records for frigid temperatures, snow accumulation and maintenance costs, western cities like Las Vegas and Tucson reported their warmest winters on record. The effects have been immediately noticeable to anyone who has had to endure the elements. But what might not be as apparent is the effect that these excessive record-setting temperatures can have on your vehicle.

“When consumers buy a new car, they may not be thinking about how weather extremes can affect the life of crucial car parts,” said Tim Meenan, executive director of the Service Contract Industry Council (SCIC). “No one can do anything to control the weather or its impact on vehicles, but extended warranties can make a tremendous difference in getting past those problems. They’re the best protection for your wallet when extreme weather causes damage that requires a trip to the repair shop.”

Warrantech can also provide you with added peace of mind in case you find yourself stranded in a remote area during a snowstorm or heat wave. Plus, it allows you to protect your investment, increase your car’s value and make upfront payments that fit within your budget so you can avoid having to pay for any large or unexpected repairs in the future.

The SCIC points out that the winter and summer seasons are the busiest times of year for car repair shops. Salt, sand, UV rays and ice are just a few of the culprits that can lead to rusting, corrosion and expensive repairs to core components.

Brian Hafer, vice president of marketing for AutoMD.com, adds that extreme temperatures are a car killer, which makes regular maintenance all the more important. “Not following the maintenance schedule in the owner’s manual is very common,” says Hafer. “People have these repair issues because they didn't consult their owner's manual. Typically, it happens more often with younger drivers because they just aren't aware.”

What You Can Do About It

Besides having a reliable vehicle service contract and establishing a routine maintenance schedule, here are a few simple tips to help extend the life of your vehicle and save you money in the long run.

  Check your antifreeze.  Not having fresh coolant can cause your water pump to freeze during the winter and overheat your engine in the summer.

 Examine all fluid levels.  Oil, transmission, brake and power steering fluids can all thicken in cold weather, while excessive heat can cause fluid loss.

  Make sure your battery is fully charged.  Batteries get stressed in extreme temperatures. If yours is more than three years old, consider replacing it.

Consider an engine block heater for the winter months.  At the very least, always warm up your car engine before driving to allow oil to circulate properly.

Keep the gas tank half full.  This will help you avoid frozen gas lines.

Inspect your tires.  Cold weather can cause tires to lose several pounds of air pressure and searing heat can lead to cracking.

 Clean the windshield before using your wipers.  Ice can tear wiper blades and restrict motion, which can also tear up the wiper motor and pop the arm.

Keep extra fluids in your car.  Extra coolant and windshield washer fluid are always good to have on hand in case of an emergency.

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